MetaSanta and XmasGame

2 min readDec 15, 2021

On November 23rd, we launched MetaSanta, a new token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Here’s what we’ve accomplished in just a few short weeks…

We launched a complete NFT-based game with a prize pool that has grown to nearly 7 BNB in less than a week.

Players mint, collect and trade Elves and Abominable Snowmen.

When they “stake” Elves, they earn $PRESENTS, which later in the game can also be traded for more new NFTs— and “staked” Abominable Snowmen have the ability to steal 20% of those new mints, too, making them a valuable part of the game.

Elves “staked” in the Toy Workshop

The top 5 players that donate the most $PRESENTS to Santa before the Christmas cutoff share the prize pool!

At the end of the game, everyone keeps their NFTs, of course, as souvenirs from Christmas, 2021.

We launched our own NFT collection featuring original art and two individual artists.

  1. The first artist, Plutos, developed a unique “meta-themed” Christmas NFT with four rarities.
  2. The second artist, Katharine, developed 12 unique NFTs with 3 rarities, parodying and honoring the 12 Days of Christmas.

Twelve Drummers Drumming, Eleven Elons Piping, Ten Lords-A-Leaping, Nine Ladies Dancing, Eight Ladies Sharing, Seven Swan A-Swimming, Six Geese A-SLEIGHing, Five Golden BNBeans, Four Tweeting Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves and a Paultridge in a Pear Tree.

We have incredible plans for the future, too!

  1. Our 12 Months of Christmas campaign planning has already begun, featuring collectible NFTs for each month of the year. Imagine taking the iconic characters of Christmas, including Santa Claus himself, and carrying that powerhouse brand creatively throughout the year.
  2. But also imagine the Christmas characters from XmasGame participating in extended storylines, complete with adorable NFTs, to commemorate other holidays in unique ways.

As we build toward Metaverse integration with MetaSanta, with a North Pole that looks similar to the North Pole we all imagine each Christmas, there are numerous opportunities on the road ahead to grow and expand the MetaSanta brand.

To find out more about our project, please visit




Official Medium account for the project.